中華民國駐瑞典兼挪威代表廖東周大使夫人Judy師姐,立法院許淑華委員,英國牛津大學佛學研究中心主任Richard Gombrich(理查.貢布里奇),佛光大學宗教學研究所代表姚玉霜教授,中央研究院院士朱時宜教授及夫人陳旼旼女士,前台灣省政府秘書長鄭培富先生,宗委會法律顧問周慧芳律師,真佛宗博士教授團、醫護團全體成員,阿拉伯聯合大公國皇室綠野集團總裁林坤音小姐,阿拉伯聯合大公國皇室綠野集團台灣區代表麥桂香小姐,靜乙企業公司總經理張予甄女士,木雕藝術家簡政興先生,師尊大學同學朱金水先生及夫人陳澤霞女士,華光功德會總會長及《大圓滿九次第》、《道果》及《圓覺經》製作人蓮悅上師、主持人佩君師姐,大師姑盧勝美女士、三師姑盧幗英女士及師姑丈李和同先生,中天電視台《給你點上心燈》節目製作人徐雅琪師姐。
我跟牛津University, Richard Professor,我講幾句英文。
My name is Sheng-yen Lu, I born 1945, born Taiwan, but now I move house, go to the United States America, Seattle. Now I am American citizen, and Taiwan citizen. I have four Guru, study Tibet Tantric Buddhism.I have half year in Taiwan, half year in Seattle, Seattle city. In Seattle city, I have two temple, Lei Tsang Temple. One temple is Seattle Lei Tsang Temple, two temple is Rainbow Villa. Rainbow Villa Lei Tsang Temple.
In United States, Seattle, every Saturday night 8 o’clock, in the temple, I have ceremony, and teach Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. In Sunday afternoon 3 o’clock, in Rainbow Lei Tsang Temple, have fire offering, and teach Buddhism.
I studied Buddhism, same as you, forty years ago, forty years. But I have temple, in England, have three temple. Two temple in London, London city. One temple in… where? I don’t know that city name. But have two temple in London. One temple is the True Du Lei Tsang Temple. [Note: The Chinese pinyin name of this temple is Zhen Du Lei Zang Si.] One temple is the London Lei Tsang Temple. You can go to England, London, see my student, you want the ……他現在希望有繼承人,你可以從倫敦的兩個temple裡面,找出一個繼承人。
You can catch one master, have the London temple master, here. 真渡雷藏寺的master here, is come from London. So……喔,跟他談過,那沒問題,他可以找你啊。我們在英國有三個雷藏寺,一個是倫敦雷藏寺,一個是真渡雷藏寺,一個是真言雷藏寺,真言雷藏寺是在中部,不在倫敦。我們有三個雷藏寺在英國,所以請Professor看看我們這邊的人才。我簡單講,就是把英文跟中文摻在一起。
以羂索綁願 圓滿眾生祈求
我們今天要講不空羂索觀音,哇,今天來的人非常多,so many people。單單這個獻哈達就花掉很多小時,現在是……now is dinner time. 我怎麼講呢?我只好簡單的講一下。
與佛親密無間 自然合一相應
Professor Richard Gombrich
理查.貢布里奇教授 致詞
Professor Richard Gombrich
Life-long Dedication to Buddhism:
Don't Ask What Buddhism Can Do for You
Ask What You Can Do for Buddhism
Most holy, most venerable, most compassionate Grand Master, and all of you assembled here to worship and to benefit from the presence of the venerable, holiest Grand Master.
This is a very great day in my life, because I am eighty-one years old but I have never experienced anything remotely like this. For the rest of my life, I shall never forget the honour that you have done me by inviting me to be here, and the kindness which you are all showing to me.
I come here from Oxford University in England, a university over eight hundred years old - eight hundred years of continuous education. I held a position teaching at Oxford University for forty years, and retired in 2004, simply, not because I was tired of teaching, which I was not, but because there is a rule among us, that when you are sixty-seven, you have to retire.
As I taught for forty years at the university, people may think that I dedicated my life to Oxford University, but they would not really be correct. Actually, what I did dedicate my life to, was trying to inform the world about Buddhism.
This, has not been easy; it should have been easy, because surely, the Buddha was perhaps the greatest human being who has ever been on this earth. However, when I entered the university first, which was as a student, I discovered that Oxford University taught many things, but not Buddhism. It was not possible then, to enroll for a course in Buddhism. When I retired forty years later, I had managed to establish such things as a faculty for Tibetan studies, and the study of Buddhism as it was in India, China, Tibet and Japan.
But maintaining Buddhism as a university subject, was really still left to me. And when I had to retire in 2004, it looked as if the situation would be no better than forty years earlier, and there would, again, be no course in Buddhism.
Now let me make one thing very clear to all of you. When I say that I was dedicating my life to Buddhism, what I mean was not that I was trying to see what Buddhism could do for me; I wanted to see what I could do for Buddhism.
So when I retired in 2004, and there would be no more courses or classes in Buddhism, what could I do? I did not have very much money, because we are not very well paid, but enough money to start a centre for Buddhist studies if I, it was enough money provided I took no salary.
Unfortunately, you will know that in the world, if something costs nothing, people think it has no value.
Since 2004, the centre which I founded, has continued, and we do many things, we give teaching on various Buddhist traditions, and of course because we are an educational institution, not a religious institution, we try to teach about many different Buddhist traditions, including some of the ones, which are included here.
We have put on conferences, many lectures and workshops, and we publish twice a year a journal with serious articles about Buddhism and its history, and its different aspects.
Unfortunately, we have a small group of people, as I am sure you have, a kind of board, who helped me to run Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies, but I am the only academic person, the only person who can edit the articles, give the lectures, organize the conferences. So, I have always said to people, when I am over eighty, I may be dead, and certainly I am not going to go on teaching, so I need a successor. But where can I find a successor who will teach for no salary?
So I have been looking for money, not for myself, because everything I earn, I give to the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies, but I have to find some money, to pay for somebody to do my job, when I cannot. And so I think, I am very fortunate, that Amoghavajra has guided me to you today.
So thank you very much. Looking at your wonderfully happy, confident faces, I become happy and confident too, and I thank you again, for having me as your guest.