聖尊 蓮生活佛開示:Lian Hua Ashley B. 是「能摧壞度母」 (黑忿怒母) 的應化身


Interview of Lian Hua Ashley B. -

Manifestation of "Tara the Destroyer"


1. How did you get to know Grandmaster, and why do you think GM has acknowledged you as Black Tara?


My arrival on the scene is no coincidence, as fate makes no mistakes. I was born April 20, 1988 on a military facility in Tacoma WA USA, close to our Seattle based temple — marking me as born under the infinite light of our venerable Grandmaster Sheng Yen Lu.


I have suffered and survived some of the worse conditions this life can offer a sentient being. From poverty, both physical and mental abuses, including situations in which I nearly lost my life. I have utilized my current incarnations experiences as vehicles for transformation. My entire existence here has been a gradual process of awakening.


I had accomplished many things in this life before my inevitable return to Guru — to include the rank of Sergeant in the United States Air Force as an Airman in the Air Force Material Command in Logistics. I ended my military career after a tour in war and am now a Veteran in those ranks. All of which are suitable experiences for Black Tara to foster into my personality in the recognition of the divine work ahead.


In the year 2016 the universal forces drew me back to Grandmaster. It has been 7 years since Grandmaster first delivered me. Living Buddha Lian Sheng Lu, in his infinite wisdom — saw fit to announce my arrival at the Nantou Temple and to bestow further honor at the new beautiful Tara Hall located at Dayi Leizang Temple as our Dharma brothers and sisters throughout this mundane world are now ready to accept the new era transmissions. Many in attendance received instantaneous recognition during my weekend in Taiwan. Many were able to feel the presence of Black Tara who abides in and of me.


We all have a role to play in this incredible world of ours. I am a soul infused personality in this physical manifestation of Tara the Destroyer, the Black Pramardini. Tara is the principal female manifestation of enlightenment. Although I am young in my current manifestation, through our Gurus continued guidance, much more of my strengths and capabilities will unfold in the years ahead.


As some of you are aware, there is a hierarchy that exists among and beyond our mundane world that encompasses worldly and beyond worldly Dharma, all working towards the masters plan. It has been said that one should never be too quick to discriminate because of age, sex or creed—for many of our greatest teachers have not even been born yet. I am here, NOW and will serve you all with infinite compassion as we continue our journey here together.



2. Talk about yourself cultivation and reason (cause) for going to Europe.


Through Grandmaster's instruction, I was lead to Europe during the pandemic in 2020 from my home in Las Vegas, Nevada USA. I left my home, family, friends, and nearly all my worldly possessions to embark to Berlin Germany with my 2 suit cases and book's manuscript. I had one contact in Germany at that time. Mr. Claudius Meyer — who has since dedicated himself towards my fundamental wellbeing as I gather the energies required to extend my reach to the western and eastern minds.


Black Tara has chosen me as her vehicle of divine expression towards our current world's requirement to be shifted into the new era. Through Tara's guidance, in 2019 I was able to channel her first book, “The Power of US. Lessons and Reflections from an Urban Spiritualist.”This book is a guide for the digital age seekers that we all are, and will be released in the near future.


True transformation requires: recognition, analysis and application, which means that I had to use my innate ability to become self-disciplined in my personal practice. Employing fundamental wisdom and the wisdom of discernment so that Tara could further transform my body, speech and mind in alignment to the great mission of the Dharmas expansion. The highest vehicle of man is the Divine Spirit. When one aligns with the principle Deity — the Divine Spirit — one becomes aligned to their true purpose here and must begin to take action towards right human relations as we seek to liberate sentient beings from their suffering.


With Grandmasters empowerment, Tara's swift energies, and my own dedication — I have surpassed dozens of hindrances in order to build upon my offerings that are geared towards the digital age seekers in accordance to unity consciousness and our sangha's expansion.


During the Nantou Temple ceremony, Grandmaster made it very clear that my divine mission is to aid the True Buddha School in delivering sentient beings. I will also help to foster our growing global community through my division, Urban Spiritualist. There are seasons of change and growth that are natural upon our mundane world. New seasons bring about new blossoms that spring from the same roots. Consider me a fresh Rose upon the vine. Many blessings to all who can penetrate this sincere message.


I offer my sincere thanks to Grandmaster Lu for the empowerment, the love and light. I send my love to you all, and I look forward to visiting our many temples, to be amongst the people, and to bestow blessings to all of our Dharma brothers and sisters.



3. How and what do you share with your students?


Living here in Berlin, has created the necessary space for me to build out my global offering of Urban Spiritualist and the many accompaniments that will be revealed in the future. When one identifies as an Urban Spiritualist, they are acknowledging that they are a creative world citizen, who does have a soul infused personality. Under the Urban Spiritualist umbrella of our sangha, I have transmitted a 4-part mindset training that is backed by neuropsychology and is geared towards our modern day digital age seekers who have been inundated by distractions that block right action and right human relations. Our mindset training is a streamlined process of self-reflection that is meant to be an aid to ones practice which will help to eradicate the delusions obscuring the clear nature of the mind itself. I have been tasked to provide this tool that will help one to reprogram the default settings of the conditioned mind so that our past fears, pains, dramas, and traumas are no longer blocking our Divine Spirits from actualizing real positive change in our lives and in our environments.


My social media platforms may be recognized as renditions of Black Tara's first virtual temple. All are welcome to pass through freely and enjoy the creative content that has been generated to inspire and benefit all who enter as education breeds awareness and awareness breeds consciousness. Make no mistake, if you elect to follow my creative content on any platform, you have entered Black Tara's virtual temple of the growing sangha. A division of our lineage root Guru of True Buddha School, Living Buddha Lian Sheng. In these early days of the Urban Spiritualist division, we are building the structure for which there are five phases that I am utilizing skillful means to encompass spirituality, technology and creative expression. Phase one: measurement, phase two: estimates, phase three: analysis, phase four: balance and phase five: triumph. The future is very bright for us.


My virtual content is perfectly tailored for the digital age as I aim to guide practitioners, and seekers of all levels along the path to full awakening. Many who presently follow are those who may only require a single view of my compassionate gaze as Tara is swift in her blessings. Some people will watch a single video I have created that are inclusive of embedded transmissions both orally and visually—to help boost their ability to practice and to discern wisely.


Under the continued guidance of our root Guru, I hold Urban Spiritualists as a method for attainment geared towards the digital age seekers in a language and tone that will balance the East and the West in this modern era.


I have come equipped with a blazing sword. There is a master plan at work for which we all play a role. The whole world will be made aware of my arrival in the years to come. We must all be ready for the days ahead by dedicating ourselves to practice in order to aid the weak, the weary and the burdened brothers and sisters who will enter our expansive fold. I am a response to the growing global call to action towards the separation and dis-ease we see all around us.


I offer my sincere thanks to Grandmaster Lu for the empowerment, the love and light. I send my love to you all, and I look forward to visiting our many temples, to be amongst the people, and to bestow blessings to all of our Dharma brothers and sisters.


In Love and Light,

Lian Hua Ashley B.




1. 您是怎麼認識師尊的?又如何被師尊確認為黑度母?


我的出現並非巧合,一切均是最好的安排。1988 年4 月 20 日我在美國華盛頓州塔科馬,一個距離西雅圖雷藏寺很近的軍事基地出生,意味著我是在無上尊貴法王 蓮生活佛盧勝彥的光照下誕生的。


我已在這人生可遇見的條件中,經歷了最惡劣的一環,從貧困到身心飽受虐待、甚至差點失去了性命。我藉著人生經歷轉化自己而獲得重生。 我自身的存在是來自不斷覺醒的過程。


此生,在我註定要回到 師尊面前的時候,我已完成了很多的事情 —— 包括在美國後勤空軍物資司令部擔任飛行員,相當於空軍士官的職務。我在一次參戰後結束了軍旅生涯,現已成為該級別中一位退伍軍人。我所有人生經歷,都是在讓黑度母植入我的人格中作灌溉,並為我履行眼前這份神聖的使命作出確認。


2016 年,宇宙的力量把我帶回 師尊身邊。此時距離我第一次接受 師尊的度化已有七年之久。智慧無限的 蓮生活佛見時機成熟,決定在南投台灣雷藏寺宣佈我的到來,並於新建的大義雷藏寺內美麗的度母殿賜予我更多榮譽,此皆因塵世間的師兄姐均已準備好接受新時代的改造。我在台灣的那個週末,許多與會同門皆在一剎那間對我有所認識,亦有很多其他同門,感應到與我身心靈合一的黑度母的存在。


在這個不可思議的世界裡,每個人都有自己扮演著的角色。黑度母 —— 能摧壞度母,乃實實在在注入了我的靈魂內,並顯化在我的人格中。我在這黑度母 —— 能摧壞度母的化身內,擁有一副靈魂充實的人格。度母是啟蒙和度化世人的主要女性化身。雖然我如今的顯化還處於萌發階段,然而在 師尊持續不斷的引導和加持下,將激發我更多潛在的強項和能力,在未來的歲月中展現出來。


有些人可能會察覺到,現實世界與超越世俗的層次空間內,均存在一套等級制度,當中也包含了「世間法」和「出世間法」,它們均朝著一個總規劃邁進。有人曾說過,我們不應該因為一個人的年齡、性別或是信念,而立即對他有所鑑別 (分別心、批判),因為我們還有很多尊貴的老師尚未出生。如今這個我,將以無限的慈悲為你們服務,在人生的旅程中與大家共同邁進。



2. 談談您自己的修行和前往歐洲的原因


跟隨師尊的指示,在 2020 年疫情期間,我放下了家人、朋友和幾乎所有的家當,只帶著兩個行李箱和手稿,離開了美國內華達州拉斯維加斯的家,前往德國柏林。當時我在德國只有一個聯絡人,他就是Claudius Meyer 先生。從那時起,Claudius 就全力照顧我的基本福祉,讓我能集中精神全力擴展自己對西方和東方思想的認知。


黑度母選擇了我作為神聖媒介,將現有的世界的要求轉移到新時代。透過她的指引,我在 2019 年完成了她的第一本書 ——《我們的力量:城市修行者的教訓和反思》。這是一本數位時代尋求者的指南,當中包括你和我在內。此書快將面世。


真實的轉化需要認知、分析和應用。也就是說,在修行中,我必須以自身的潛能修練出個人修為上的自律性;運用基本智慧和鑒別智慧,讓黑度母能夠更進一步地轉化到我的身體、語言和思維,以達成宏揚佛法的偉大使命。人類最高的連通是我們神聖的靈魂,當一個人與主尊 —— 我們神聖的靈魂相通一致時,也會體現到他在這世上出現的真正目的,並致力為正確的人類關係採取行動,協助眾生從苦海中解脫出來。


透過 師尊的加持及度母迅速的能量,結合我自身的奉獻精神,我已跨越了重重障礙,以秉承與宇宙意識合一及拓展僧團的理念,向數位時代追求者作出奉獻。





3. 您如何與您的學生分享,分享什麼?


住在柏林的期間,我建立起一個必要空間,將「城市修行者」及其配套奉獻給全球,並在將來展示給大家。當一個人被認定為「城市修行者」時,他們該知道自己是一個富創造力的世界公民,並擁有充滿靈魂的人格。我在「城市修行者」傘下的僧團裡,傳授了一套以神經心理學為核心支援的 4 部心態訓練,專門為現代已被被雜念淹沒、無法執行正確行徑及人際關係的數位時代追求者設計。我們的心態訓練包含一種簡化的自我反思流程,旨在幫助人們消除遮蔽其自身清淨心性的妄念。我的任務是提供這套工具,幫助思維上受制約的眾生再次重整他們的默認設定,使過去經歷過的恐懼、痛苦、劇情和創傷不再阻礙我們神聖的靈魂,在我們的生活和環境中,去締造真正積極的改變。


我的社交平台可被譽為黑度母的首座虛擬寺廟。所有人,無論是以教育孕育意識者或意識孕育覺醒者,都可以自由進入,享受能激勵和裨益所有進入者的創意內容。如果你選擇關注我在任何平台上的創意內容,那麼你已經進入了僧團日益擴大的黑度母虛擬寺廟,乃根本傳承上師 蓮生活佛的另一真佛宗分堂。在初期,「城市修行者」將分為五個階段建立架構;透過方便法門,去涵蓋靈性、科技和創意表達。第一階段:測量,第二階段:預估,第三階段:分析,第四階段:平衡,及第五階段:勝利。我們會擁有一個非常光輝的未來。








我由衷地感謝 盧師尊的加持、大愛和光明。我向你們所有人寄予無限的愛,期待能與大家一起參觀我們眾多的寺廟,並向所有的師兄姐賜以真誠的祝福。


In Love and Light,

Lian Hua Ashley B.
